·4 min read

Global Cache for Netlify Graph with Upstash Redis

Noah FischerNoah FischerDevRel @Upstash

Yesterday, Netlify announced a new feature called Netlify Graph. My colleague recently highlighted similar missing piece in the picture and Netlify made a good step towards a solution.

Basically Netlify Graph helps developers building GraphQL API calls for their web apps. After preparing GraphQL requests in Netlify Dashboard then you can inject the client code to your project with a single click.

There is a drawback using Netlify Functions together with a 3rd Party service. Client-side request first goes to Netlify Backend(Functions) then to the 3rd Party Service. (in our example it is Spotify) This journey increases latency much if these services and end user are not in the same geo-location.


If we are able to cache the data from Netlify functions then we can minimize latency. Upstash Global Redis Database can be a good solution to cache Netlify API calls. Thanks to multi region replication of Upstash Redis, API responses can be cached/replicated globally.


Let's create very simple Spotify Application that calls Spotify API and cache the API calls in Upstash Global Redis.

Let's deploy Next JS Starter App using Netlify Console. This is very simple Next.js App that can be deployed with a couple of clicks from Netlify. You can check other options for deploying Next JS starter App

After deploy steps, clone your sample repository to your local and execute netlify dev command. It should work on localhost:8888 You might need to execute netlify login if it is first time you setup.

Now we will configure Netlify Graph-Spotify API integration. Navigate to:

Netlify Console --> Sample App --> Graph --> Connect API or Service --> Spotify img.png

In Spotify Configuration page, enable Authentication and Graph Explorer , it will authenticate with Spotify for API integration.


Now we can play with GraphQL Playground. Click the Start querying Spotify button. Now we need to run netlify-cli with following command in the project directory.

netlify dev --graph

After CLI finishes, check Netlify Graph section, and you will see the active session. Click the session, and it will open a playground environment for GraphQL API.


This playground is awesome. It is very useful to generate a specific GraphQL query. I have quickly generated a Spotify query that returns Featured Playlists

query SpotifyFeatured {
  spotify {
    featuredPlaylists {
      images {
      description }}}

After you build the query, let's generate the code and inject to our project.

Click Actions --> Generate Handler


netlify-cli will automatically generate SpotifyFeatured.js file under api directory and SpotifyFeaturedForm.jsx under pages directory.

SpotifyFeatured.js: Netlify function definition that fetches data from Netlify Backend --> Spotify API

SpotifyFeaturedForm.jsx : a React component which is a simple/example form that calls Netlify Function and returns response.

I have only edited html/css part of this component to give a better UI experience. I will share my code at the end of the post.

Include SpotifyFeaturedForm.jsx component to index.js.

import Spotify from './SpotifyFeaturedForm'
<Spotify title="Spotify Featured Playlist"/>

Now I have a button in the main page and can get the responses from the Spotify API. Let's cache the responses.

Create Upstash Global Database from Upstash Console


We will modify the Auto-Generated Netlify Function code (SpotifyFeatured.js) In the code there is a code that fetches data from Netlify Backend/Spotify API:

const { errors, data } = await NetlifyGraph.fetchSpotifyFeatured({  }, {accessToken: accessToken});

We will first check Redis for caching if it doesn't exist then we will call the 3rd Party service.

In order to communicate with redis, I have used Upstash Redis JS library. You can get your Upstash Redis REST Credentials from the database details page.


Replace your UPSTASH_REDIS_REST_URL and UPSTASH_REDIS_REST_PASSWORD in the code snippet.

spotifyData = await redisClient.get("spotify-cache");
if (spotifyData.data == null) {
  spotifyData = await NetlifyGraph.fetchSpotifyFeatured(
    { accessToken: accessToken }
  if (spotifyData.errors) {
    console.error(JSON.stringify(spotifyData.errors, null, 2));
  } else {
    await redisClient.setex("spotify-cache", 300, JSON.stringify(spotifyData));
} else {
  spotifyData = JSON.parse(spotifyData.data);
res.setHeader("Content-Type", "application/json");
return res.status(200).json({

In the above code snippet, first we check whether the cache exists in Upstash Redis. If it exists then use the cache otherwise fetch from original API and save the cache to upstash. It is very simple code-snippet and can be improved/modified based on purpose.

So we added global cache behaviour to Netlify Graph feature with a couple of lines.



Netlify Graph feature will enable for all developers easily integrate 3rd party API services to their code. Netlify's GraphQL explorer and code injection helps a lot.

On the other hand, if you want to cache the API responses then Upstash Global database is a solution for caching the responses. Creating Upstash Redis database is a couple of clicks.

Here is the latest code of the example application