·7 min read

Blazing Fast Websites with Remix on Cloudflare and Upstash Redis

Sönke PetersSönke PetersFull Stack Web Developer (Guest Author)

When developing a website or web app, nobody wants to spend hours of their time just on speed optimization. The problem is that a fast website is incredibly important and performance is often a deciding factor for its success. Web frameworks like Remix Run were created with the goal of optimizing web performance while keeping their configuration to a minimum ("zero-config"). Nowadays, there are dozens of frameworks available, that help you achieve high speeds.

Unfortunately, the best website load times are of little use to us unless the databases of our apps are lightning fast as well.

Today, we'll look at how to achieve excellent website loading speeds and combine them with peak database performance of Upstash Redis Global Databases.

Why Global Databases?

Most individuals use a Content Delivery Network (CDN) when they deploy a website online. A content delivery network (CDN) is a global network of servers. Because website files can be cached and served from the closest geographic location to the client, a CDN delivers significantly lower latency than a single server system. This will ensure that your website loads quickly all across the world. When we talk about Upstash's Global Databases the same concept of a CDN applies to Redis Databases. With global databases, replicas of your databases are distributed across multiple regions around the world. Now, the clients are routed to the nearest region and experience up to < 10ms latency.

Getting started

Now that I've already promised a lot, let's take a look at how the whole thing works in practice.

What we are going to build

We will build a web app with Remix Run that uses Upstash Redis Global Databases and deploy it on Cloudflare Workers.

Cloudflare Workers have the advantage of being deployed globally, similar to a CDN. This means that our Remix app's server-side rendering happens as close to the client as possible, resulting in minimum latency. Combined with Upstash's Global Databases this is the ideal setup performance-wise.

Setup Remix

Go to a folder of your choice and run

npx create-remix@latest

You will be greeted with a dialog that walks you through the setup of your Remix Run app.

Make sure to select Cloudflare Workers as the deployment target. In this walkthrough I am going to proceed with a JavaScript app but feel free to choose TypeScript. The setup should look similar to this.

R E M I X - v1.2.3
💿 Welcome to Remix! Let's get you set up with a new project.
? Where would you like to create your app? upstash-remix
? Where do you want to deploy? Choose Remix if you're unsure, it's easy to chang
e deployment targets. Cloudflare Workers
? TypeScript or JavaScript? JavaScript
? Do you want me to run `npm install`? Yes

Once the installment has finished, open the newly created folder in your code editor.

Create your Upstash Redis Global Database

For the Upstash Redis Global Database, go to https://upstash.com/ and login or create an account. In the console, click on "Create Database", enter a name and select "Global" as the database type. Finally hit "Create" and wait for the database to be created. Now copy the UPSTASH_REDIS_REST_URL and UPSTASH_REDIS_REST_TOKEN.

In your project, create a file called .env in the project root and add both variables there like this:


To interact with our database let's install the @upstash/redis npm package with npm install @upstash/redis.

Writing the Remix Run application

Now that your database is set up, open the file app/routes/index.jsx, remove the boilerplate code and enter the following:

import { json, redirect, useLoaderData } from "remix";
import redis from "../utils/redis.server";
export const loader = async () => {
  const start = new Date();
  const count = await redis.get("counter");
  return json({ count, loadingTime: new Date() - start });
export const action = async () => {
  await redis.incr("counter");
  return redirect("/");
export default function Index() {
  const { count, loadingTime } = useLoaderData();
  return (
    <div style={{ fontFamily: "system-ui, sans-serif", lineHeight: "1.4" }}>
      <h1>Record speeds with Remix on Cloudflare and Upstash Redis</h1>
      <p>The button below was clicked {count} times already.</p>
      <form method="post" action="/?index">
        <button type="submit">Click me!</button>
        It took <b>{loadingTime} ms</b> to read the number of button clicks from{" "}
        <a href="https://upstash.com/redis">Upstash Redis</a>{" "}
        <a href="/docs/redis/features/globaldatabase">
          Global Database

Additionally, create a file app/utils/redis.server.js with

// app/utils/redis.server.js
import { Redis } from "@upstash/redis/cloudflare";
export default Redis.fromEnv();

This does two things. Let's take a look at both.

1. Server-side rendering data with useLoaderData

In our return statement at the very bottom we have a simple user interface that displays

  • a counter variable called count and
  • a variable called loadingTime.

If we look a bit further up, we see that those two variables come from the useLoaderData() hook. This Remix Run specific hook is used together with the loader function at the top. In there, we read a key counter from the database, measure the time that takes and return both to our useLoaderData() function. The loader function will then run every time we load the Remix Run app, so each time someone requests the website, it will read the current counter value, server-side render the website and send it back to the client.

2. Incrementing the counter variable when someone clicks the "Click me!" button.

Remix Run allows us the build forms very easily. In our JSX, you can find a <form/> tag that submits a POST request to /?index when somebody clicks on the submit button. The amazing thing with Remix Run is that we only have to add an action function to the file and will have a frontend-backend interaction ready without having to explicitly create an API. In the action function, we simply increment the counter and tell the client to reload the website to reflect the changes.

🥳 You're ready to go

Running locally

Now, you'll probably want to take a look at what you've just created. To do so, run npm run dev and view the app in your browser.

  1. Click on the "Click me!" button and see how the count increments
  2. Take a look at the measured loading time. In Germany, I usually see latencies of < 20ms but be prepared to cut that in half once deployed to Cloudflare.

Deploying to Cloudflare

Let's advance to full speed with Cloudflare and achieve single digit millisecond latencies now!

First of all, if you haven't, install the Cloudflare Workers CLI Wrangler as described in the documentation: https://developers.cloudflare.com/workers/cli-wrangler/install-update/. Be sure to authenticate the CLI as well.

If you don't already have an account, then create a cloudflare account here and after verifying your email address with Cloudflare, go to your dashboard and set up your free custom Cloudflare Workers subdomain.

Don't forget to set your secrets from .env for Cloudflare as well via

wrangler secret put UPSTASH_REDIS_REST_TOKEN
wrangler secret put UPSTASH_REDIS_REST_URL

Once that's done, you should be able to deploy your app:

npm run deploy

Wrangler will give you a link to your app once it's deployed. Open it and see how fast your app will be.

Check out an example deployment on https://remix-cloudflare-workers.soenkep.workers.dev/.

Take a look at the full code (without environment variables) on: https://github.com/zunkelty/upstash-remix-run.